Monkey Go Happy – Stage 812
The monkey operatives HQ just sent their operative to monkey planet but in a different dimension, so when the operative arrives there what they saw were two giant monsters roaming around the city and they seem to be thinking at the moment, but the operative can feel that they might destroy this place soon, plus they are stressed thanks to these mini-monkeys which were jumping around, and that’s what the operative was really there for.
Escape players, join the operative here in gathering the mini-monkeys that were jumping around so that this can be done efficiently and thoroughly. Will you be able to get all of the mini-monkeys before they become the next things to destroy this place?
Monkey Go Happy – Stage 812 is the newest point-and-click retrieval adventure game created by Pencil Kids. This game is a continuation of the previous one as its sequel, and is a part of the first game as the start of the series.
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Walkthrough video for Monkey Go Happy – Stage 812
No sense why the rating is so low. Did this simple game seem too difficult for most players?
maybe on the contrary-easy)
The low votes may reflect that the game doesn’t appear to load in either Firefox or Chrome,
I just checked that the game is loading(and working normally) in the latest extensions less versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, and Brave browsers.
Try to update your browser, or disable some extensions if you encounter any problems. I hope it will help.
I confirm. Tested in rarer (and therefore less compatible with basic) browsers: Catsxp, Slimjet, Cent. The game works great.
And by the way. Probably few people have as many extensions (including anti-advertising ones) as I use in browsers. And all these extensions do not interfere with this game at all.
I wonder too abot low rating. 4 stars