Tricky Village Escape

(46 votes, average: 4.24 out of 5)

The village which was surrounded by a strong fence and it has a very strong reason too why it has that. Gregory heard about the village and the possible reason why it has a fence, well it has some strange abilities and that is it effectively gets people lost most especially the outsiders. Gregory is most definitely an outsider, but he needs to find-out about the place and hopefully nothing bad will happen to him there as he does.

After hours of traveling, Gregory arrives at the village and he immediately noticed the stunning big fence which encircles the entire place keeping everyone in and the others out. Gregory did his job right then in-order to find-out the village’s secrets, he talked to a few people and looked around the houses and everything seems fine, but then something happened and guess the village didn’t want its secrets out, for he got lost and the main actor for that is the gates of the fences closing and could not be opened! Gregory ventured around the fences to check it out, but then he could no longer get himself back to where he is suppose to be. Gregory was now struggling but he really can’t keep going with his findings at the moment for his life is at risk here. Escape players, want to join Gregory in the village which was said to be full of mysteries and see if you can help him out?

Tricky Village Escape is another new point and click area escape game made by 8b Games and Games 2 Mad.