Rescue The Baby Monkey Part – 3

(24 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)

The monkey here took another portal and he really thought he can finally return home, that didn’t happen at all and instead he was brought into this red and rocky world which looked very hot! But it wasn’t though, the temperature was pretty okay there. But still, this isn’t home for him and he really wants to get back now.

Escape players, you yourself have no answer for this, the best you can do here is to just help him on this attempt of his to escape these places he has no clue of. Will you be able to get him going once more so that eventually he’ll be able to get home?

Rescue The Baby Monkey Part – 3 is the newest point-and-click animal rescue escape game from Games 2 Jolly. This game is a continuation of the previous one as its sequel, and is a part of the first game as the start of the series.

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