Perry The Platypus Escape

(34 votes, average: 4.68 out of 5)

Tommy’s friend Caleb had a new pet and it’s a platypus. What a weird thing to have as a pet, but Caleb was the exotic guy so that’s understandable, and besides platypuses are pretty cute, except for that poisonous barb in the back legs of males though. Caleb named his pet Perry and it’s in relation with that one from a famous cartoon. Tommy wanted to see that platypus that day, so he went to Caleb’s house just to see it for he had never seen a platypus before except on TV. But as he arrived, there was a problem there and it’s about Perry.

Caleb told his friend Tommy that he cannot open the door of this one room and currently Perry is inside it! Caleb don’t know what happened exactly, but he was now trying to look for this key to the door. But there was another problem, for he cannot find it. Escape players, Tommy is now going to help here in finding this key so that this locked door can be opened. Want to play as Tommy then and see if you can help Caleb and his trapped platypus Perry?

Perry The Platipus Escape is the newest point-and-click pet rescue escape game created by 8b Games.

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2 years ago

It is spelled platYpus