Happy New Year 2019 (Games 2 Jolly)
You and your friends were thinking of a unique way to celebrate the New Year. You huddled together one evening to talk about your great plan. However, it was so warm and cozy in your living room that you ended up falling asleep. Everyone else was awake so they talked among themselves. You woke up and found everyone asleep. You took your notebook and drafted your own plan. Somehow, you wanted to surprise them for the New Year. When everyone was up, no one talked about the plan made last night. You went on with your day like you normally do. Then the time for the New Year’s Eve came. You spent your whole day putting your plan into action. Little did you know that your friends were doing the same thing at a different location. You smiled at your own creation.
A few hours before New Year, your friend called you over and said she needed help with something. You told her that you could only go there if she took your place in your location. She agreed. You planned to surprise her with an escape room not knowing you’d find yourself in a similar situation. Play Happy New Year 2019 outdoor escape game created by Games 2 Jolly.