Halloween Metro Station 32

(29 votes, average: 4.79 out of 5)

Jack, Luna, and their father managed to retrieve the train ticket and from the scary and big mansion where they came from! Upon retrieving the thing, it immediately transported them to this subway which had a train waiting on the tracks. This could be their way home now, or at least even closer for near their village there was a rail which was occasionally being passed by a train. But they have a hunch this locomotive won’t get them there or far and more tasks are yet to come.

Still they need to get on the train now but first they need the person who will take their ticket so they can get on. They really can’t get inside right-now for their ticket is special, that’s why they need the train conductor to receive them. Escape players, the three seems to be getting closer to home even more now, well they just hope so. Will you help them once again on this task which had gone deeper and more serious for them so they can finally get home? Find the conductor then and present the ticket to him, that’s so Jack, Luna, and Edward their father can finally go.

Halloween Metro Station 32 is the newest point and click subway escape game from WoW Escape. This game is a continuation of the previous one as its sequel, and is a part of the first game as the start of the series.

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