Find The Tourists Car Key

(38 votes, average: 4.53 out of 5)

Louie had already made camp at a beautiful location in the forest for days and it was absolutely great! But everything must come to an end though and that day Louie packed his stuff, his tent, various items, his table and chair as well for it’s time to get back to reality. He’ll definitely bring his family here sometime, but there was a problem when he was fixing some stuff however and it was one important small object which was vital for him to leave the place!

Louie lost his car keys and he had been looking around for hours among the grass and vegetation now, still nothing and it’s bad enough that the car doors are locked. Maybe a Magpie got it or something or maybe an animal which loves shiny things? Well Louie knows one thing for certain however, there won’t be no rescue here coming for there is no reception in this place and if there is help coming, then it might take several days for him. Escape players, those are just small things Louie lost but one difference it has which makes it stand-out however, for it is shiny and easy to spot when the sun shines on it. Care to join Louie here in finding his car keys?

Search the entire camping grounds here escape players and may you solve this problem before dark. Find The Tourists Car Key is the newest point and click item retrieval escape game created by Games 2 Jolly.