Find The Locker Safety Pin

(18 votes, average: 4.17 out of 5)

One locker in the bank here would not open, that is strange and Hugo who works there even called his boss for it. His boss was also confused for when he entered his master pass, it still would not open. That brought Hugo even more confusion for the master pass should have been able to open the thing, but it didn’t and now the money is stuck in there.

Escape players, there is another way for this though but somebody needs to find it. There is a safety pin here in this bank but nobody can remember where it is being kept, but that thing can definitely open this safe. Hugo is on the job on this now, would you like to help him so that this safe can finally be accessed?

Find The Locker Safety Pin is a brand new point-and-click item retrieval game from Games 2 Jolly.

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