Elegant Boy Escape

(54 votes, average: 4.43 out of 5)

The boy living next to Jonathan’s house is quite a smart kid, even his mother is in awe with his skills, but even then he is impaired on some areas of learning but still he focuses well on arithmetic and analysis. As a person who specializes in psychology especially for children, Jonathan decided to use his skill on such by presenting him a game to tap into his brain, but as he arrived in the place however Jonathan saw the kid’s mother outside of the house and she was hysterical! Jonathan asked what had happened and there he knew what’s going-on.

The boy got trapped in the house! Jonathan acted then and he came to the rescue for the child, but unfortunately he too got trapped! It seems that this could be the kid’s plan or something, Jonathan doesn’t want to think about it that way for even though the child is quite intellectual, he is still just a kid. Escape players, come and help Jonathan here rescue the boy who was trapped and carefully do so for nobody knows what exactly is happening.

Elegant Boy Escape is another new point and click indoor rescue escape game made by 8b Games.