Black Sheep Escape

(30 votes, average: 4.50 out of 5)

Of all the sheep that Clark owns, there was this one which was different. All the sheep he has has white skin, but there was this one though which was different, for its skin was black! Clark definitely took care of the said animal and treated it as a unique one, it was no different from any sheep there though in terms of temperament, only its appearance. Still it was quite a differently looking sheep so he really took good care of it. That day though something happened to it and that really tested Clark of his rescuing skills there!

Clark lost his black sheep that day and when he tried to find it he did, but it was trapped in something in the town nearby where he found it and Clark really tried his best to get it. But the trap where it’s locked-in though was really sealing it in and there was nobody around to help him. Clark is getting concerned now, that’s why he decided to free his black sheep by himself for he could not wait for anybody to come any longer. Escape players, Clark needs extra help here, so will you be that help for the sake of this fascinating and rare black sheep?

Black Sheep Escape is another new point and click animal rescue escape game made by Games 4 King.

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