Yellow Spike Monster Escape

(38 votes, average: 3.84 out of 5)

This town here houses different kinds of creatures and that includes monsters! These monsters comes in different forms and colors, they also comes in with different traits and attitudes. Some of them are mischievous and curious, others are bitter and timid, but most of them are good though and it’s just the undesirable ones that the people there are keeping an eye on, for in the bottom-line this is a human town and the people there just allows the monsters to live with them. As a human resident there, Benjie knows some of the monsters living with them, he is even a close-friend of one and that day he will be visiting him at his home. Little did he know there is currently some trouble there and Benjie will only find-out about that when he arrives.

Benjie called-out to his friend which was a yellow skinny monster, as he did that’s when he knew his friend was in trouble for he is now trapped in his own home! Benjie quickly responded for his friend needs help here, but he is having a problem with that for he cannot open the door no matter how he tried. Okay, guess he’ll need some help here now, will you assist Benjie here escape players so he can free his monster his friend quickly?

Yellow Spike Monster Escape is the newest point and click house rescue escape game from Games 4 King.

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