Resplendent Flamingo Escape

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In all of the greatness of the flock of flamingos in the area, there is this one which was definitely unique and beautiful. Everyone was in awe of it even Theodore who works as a woodcutter there. In his mind he thinks that one specimen is a male, but they might not know for sure, for those flamingos are not accustomed to people and they are wild. That day though, Theodore might have the chance to find-out more about the creature, for one day when he was roaming around the place delivering wood, he found that elegant flamingo in one of the traps of his neighbors!

That flamingo is trapped that’s for sure, but it kind of confuses him why the creature strayed as far as here? Maybe the bird lost in the fight for a mate there in their flock? Or what about somebody really tried to catch the animal and they just placed it inside a trap so that it would look like that it got accidentally trapped in there? If so then what is their motive anyways? Well whatever the reason why the flamingo is inside that contraption, Theodore will still get it out for he was a guy who respects nature. Escape players, imagine you are Theodore here, will you be able to make use of everything you can find to free the now uneasy bird?

Resplendent Flamingo Escape is the newest point and click animal rescue escape game created by Games 4 King.

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