White Magic Room Escape

(21 votes, average: 4.86 out of 5)

The white magic house is not a place to be entered into, for it plays with people and plus the rooms there are old and might be dangerous. But that wouldn’t stop no adventurers though, and one of them is Riley who was now in the place! She entered the said house without letting anybody know she was there! She should have, for now she is trapped in there!

Riley couldn’t escape the place for the doors were now locked! What in the world is happening? This could be what game the place playing to people, and now Riley is entwined to it. Escape players, would you like to help Riley here? Find a key around maybe so you can help her escape from the place quickly.

White Magic Room Escape is a brand new point-and-click indoor escape game released by Games 2 Jolly.

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