The Dark Fence 11

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You somehow couldn’t believe that you’d be meeting a witch while looking for holy water. The witch might be frightened with the holy water. Likewise the witch might also hide the holy water herself. So looking for it was kind of pointless for you at first. However, as you’d learn from the past levels, everything you do on your missions matter. This made you focus on looking for the holy water and try to keep your mind away from complaining. It seemed like you were still in the cemetery. This must be the part you weren’t able to explore much. You might’ve found the items already if you thoroughly looked around. Then again, you were glad that you had to take things one at a time. Going through everything at once could just make you abandon everything at once as well.

It was quite dark in your location but your eyes weren’t having much problems. For most of the time during your missions, you were in a dark or dim place. Your eyes must’ve adjusted. However, you still needed to look closely at the items surrounding you. Doing otherwise would make you miss some important details and you should avoid it at all cost. Play The Dark Fence 11 room escape game by Enagames.