Pelican Bird Escape

(64 votes, average: 4.47 out of 5)

Pelicans are not endemic in Franco’s area, that’s why when his pet pelican escaped from his home, he scrambled cats and dogs just to find it! At least he knew which direction his pelican went, he can search for it there then. Franco knocked on the doors of his nearby neighbors to ask if his pelican landed on their area, but none were certain though and he can only ask to people who knows about his pet. Franco still went and was able to narrow his search which ended at a small house, he can even hear his pelican’s sounds from there!

Franco tried his best to get a glimpse of his pelican, but he couldn’t and the animal seems to be really trapped in there. How did it even got in there? Well anything can happen to an animal which was not familiar to its surroundings if it successfully escapes, Franco will definitely go and get his pet pelican before it gets hurt due to its thrashing. Escape players, come and join Franco here as he tries to rescue his pelican as quickly as he can. Will you be able to get it out without destroying anything on that house?

Pelican Bird Escape is another new point and click animal rescue escape game made by Games 2 Jolly.