Monkey Go Happy – Stage 700

(57 votes, average: 4.46 out of 5)

The monkey operatives HQ have detected signals of stress once more from obviously these menacing mini-monkeys. The location is on monkey planet again somewhere in the colder regions of it. And so a monkey operative was sent and the moment she arrives, she felt the cold. She’ll feel it but she will not get any damage from it for that is the nature of these orange monkeys, they are impervious to anything.

Now the task must begin here for the stress-levels from the individuals that lives here are escalating. Escape players, the operative here is going to need some help, will you assist her then so that this retrieval can be done in a jiff?

Monkey Go Happy – Stage 700 is the newest point-and-click retrieval adventure game created by Pencil Kids. This game is a continuation of the previous one as its sequel, and is a part of the first game as the start of the series.

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