Find Fox Doll

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Cameron went to his friends house that day just to see him. It’s a routine thing which he does every once or twice a month so when he arrived at the house, he was greeted by his friend’s family then. His friend’s daughter came to him and Cameron asked where was this fox doll of hers which to him looks weird, that’s when she told him that this doll of hers is stuck in the room for she could not open the door.

That is the first time her father heard that, that’s why they all went to this room to check it and lo and behold, it seems to be jammed! This actually turned-out to be a problem which needs to be looked into, of course Cameron will help his friend here with this for he was also curious what happened there. Escape players, you will now be playing as Cameron here, will you be able to help your friend on this in any way you can so ultimately the young one will have her fox doll back?

Find Fox Doll is the newest point-and-click indoor item retrieval game from 8B Games.

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