Monkey Go Happy – Stage 467
A monkey operative have been sent in the city and even though there seems to be no signs of mini-monkeys there, well there is actually and those little critters are just hidden. The city is currently populated and the monkey operative must blend-in so as to not catch too much attention while finishing the task given to it there. The mini-monkeys could be anywhere in this place and if left alone, they can multiply and destroy this entire urban area!
The monkey operative must look into the smallest nooks and crannies for mini-monkeys can hide in there, the operative must gather all of them and not even leave just one, for one can multiply still to thousands! Escape players, a monkey operative have been sent to an area again this time on Earth. Will you be able to help-out to save the city from a spiraling problem? Go ahead then and be ready to catch them for they are quite agile.
Monkey Go Happy – Stade 467 is a brand new point and click retrieval adventure escape game released by Pencil Kids. This game is a continuation of the previous one as its sequel, and is all a part of the first game as the starting-point of the series in this site.