Monkey Go Happy – Stage 128

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One of the granny monkeys saw what happened when one of the bigger monkeys left the sanctuary. The little monkeys followed. And they ended up lost all over the place. These little monkeys saw the greater world outside the sanctuary and wanted to experience the same once more. So they set out on their own. But granny monkey saw them. She tried telling the other older monkeys but no one would believe her. They usually don’t listen to her. Her stories can be exaggerated at times. But now that she was full of concerns, no one got her back. So she decided to find the little creatures on her own. It would not be easy for her. She was limping a little. However, she didn’t want to give up  on her mission to fetch the troublemakers. She wore her hood and off to her adventure.

She found some of the little monkeys along the way. And she instantly gathered them. However, some were in a more complicated place. And she needed to do extra work before she could have access to them. And that was when you stepped in to help granny. Play Monkey Go Happy – Stage 128 adventure games by Pencil Kids.