Macaw Escape From Dilapidated House

(40 votes, average: 4.53 out of 5)

Lucas was now out and about looking for his missing pet which was a scarlet macaw and this bird is quite loyal to him, that’s why it’s very unheard of that his pet would just left him and never return. As he took a look around the houses there dotted across the land, his hunches were proven right, for his parrot was now trapped in this house inside a cage!

Lucas knows who this house belongs to, but as always he isn’t home. Did he steal his parrot here? Well that is a likely thing, if that’s so then he needs to get his parrot back quickly. Escape players, Lucas has a hunch that this man who lives in this house is dangerous, that’s why he cannot confront him and just get his pet. Would you like to help Lucas on this then so that he can make this rescue for his pet bird quick?

Macaw Escape From Dilapidated House is a brand new point-and-click animal rescue escape game released by Fastrack Games.

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4 months ago