Jackalope Rescue

(19 votes, average: 4.26 out of 5)

Jackalope are mythical creatures, their appearances are said to be of a jackrabbit with antelope horns hence its name, but this creature doesn’t exist at all though. Well, that’s when Fletcher found a real-live one inside his cage that day!

He doesn’t believe what he was seeing, a rabbit with horns and that confirms the stories here. But at first he really analyzed what he was seeing, for after all it could be a hoax. But he saw nothing that can prove otherwise. Fletcher is pretty scared now, for what else is real among all of the stories he have heard? Fletcher is going to free this creature now and quickly, but he is going to need to find the key to the contraption first so escape players, would you like to help him with that?

Jackalope Rescue is the newest point-and-click animal escape game from Games 2 Live.

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