Holiday Villa Escape

(39 votes, average: 4.74 out of 5)

Agnes was completely out of work that week for she had a paid-leave and the holiday was on the way as well! Her itinerary for the rest of that time off-work  was to return to her holiday home just to relax, for where she lives at the moment and the city where she was in is reminding her of work, and so she went on that vacation. After a few hours of driving, Agnes arrives at the place and well it is exactly what she had left it, only a bit dustier but that can be fixed. Agnes went for the day to clean-up the place for it never had a cleaning for a year now, it was going to go smoothly but something happened however and that got Agnes in a bit of a problem there.

Agnes was faced with a locked door and she thought did she locked it? Most unlikely, but it is right-now and it’s really puzzling her. Maybe there is someone here playing a trick on her or maybe this place had become a home for something unseen! Agnes doesn’t want to scare herself nor jump to conclusions, she’ll just have to find a way to open the door that’s locked so she won’t be trapped anymore.

Escape players, join in the escape here and try your best without destroying the expensive door. Holiday Villa Escape is the newest point and click indoor escape game from Ekey Games.

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