Help The Santa Wake Up

(18 votes, average: 4.39 out of 5)

Clarence was now out and about in the snowy wilderness and because there is a portal there that goes straight directly to Santa’s home, he kind of waited to see him as he passes-by on his sleigh to deliver gifts around the world. But as Clarence approaches the portal though, he never thought to find Santa there alone in the forest!

Clarence found Santa just sitting there next to a tree and was asleep! Was he suppose to be out delivering gifts for Christmas? Then why was here? Was he inflicted by some sort of sleepy magic or something? Or as sadly as he thought about it, did he finally give-up? Well, Clarence tried to wake him up and he wouldn’t, that most likely means he was here against his will, but he was alive though. Clarence is going to wake him up now for he has a very important mission to do and he is getting behind schedule. Escape players, would you like to help Clarence in waking Santa here in any way possible?

Help The Santa Wake Up is the newest point-and-click rescue escape game from WoW Escape.

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