Help The Phoenix Bird

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Alpha who lives in the forest is no ordinary human, he is an ancient and he was once a mortal who had been cursed to do a task for all eternity. And for his task, he will be the one to release the phoenix whenever it becomes an egg so it can once again soar as a fiery bird. Alpha had already awakened the phoenix twice during his time as an ancient guardian, and that time spans a thousand years since he started. That day though, something happened to the phoenix and he needs to release the creature again! But this time it’s different.

Escape players, this time the phoenix did not turn into an egg, it got trapped in some sort of orb magic and it couldn’t move! This has never happened before and Alpha have no idea what to do. But still he will help the phoenix get free for that creature is absolutely important for the survival of this world. Would you like to help Alpha here then in any way you can to free this majestic fiery bird?

Help The Phoenix Bird is a brand new point-and-click magical animal rescue escape game released by Games 2 Rule.

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