Halloween Heaven 29

(32 votes, average: 4.19 out of 5)

What a happy moment when Jack and Luna found the man that needs to be rescued at zombie park, for the guy was actually their father who had mysteriously went missing years before! Jack and Luna was definitely in tears and in a wonder of what ever happened to him, well their father was happy that he had seen his children and they were all grown up, but he’ll explain on the way though for actually he also had a mission to finish!

And so all three of them went to this place which closely resembled heaven! It could be heaven, for their father has no idea of too but the fact that he needs to get there and retrieve this red trident from there must be done. Thanks to Jack and Luna though they were able to escape zombie park and into this place their father was talking about, it was definitely a place of dreams and it was warm and welcoming. But Jack and Luna have already gone cautious of everything after all they have been through though, and to them this could be a mirage. But of course they still need to find this trident for their father won’t return home until he gets it. Okay then escape players, looks like there is another task here, but this time you will be joining Jack, Luna, and their father for this. Will you be able to help-out on this task in finding this red trident there?

Halloween Heaven 29 is the newest point and click item retrieval escape game created by WoW Escape. This game is a continuation of the previous one as its sequel, and is a part of the first game as the start of the series.

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