Giraffe Living Land Escape

(16 votes, average: 4.69 out of 5)

The giraffe national park here is a reserve for giraffes of course and also for some animals too especially endemics. People go there from time to time just to admire the place and also feed the giraffes. That day, Brody and his family were there for a day together in the park. But at some point though Brody broke-off from the family for he would like to go on an adventure. Guess going alone is a bad idea there, for he got lost and now he is in a place with no people!

Brody have no idea which part of the land he brought himself to, he fears he might have journeyed too far and out of bounds in the park here. Okay, he really needs to find his way back, but he needs to be careful or he’ll make his situation worst there. Escape players, Brody needs some help here thanks to what he did, will you help him then so he can get back to his family?

Giraffe Living Land Escape is the newest point-and-click wilderness escape game created by WoW Escape.

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