Games Room Escape

(39 votes, average: 3.64 out of 5)

The games room is made for children and to kids who just became teens, the rooms there are in different levels from toddlers up to early adolescent. The facilities there are great and it is open most days in the week in fact, Alex works there and she had experienced nothing but fun as well as flexibility for nothing typical happens there, she even cleans-up and that’s still good for she gets paid fairly by the hour. One day however, the wind of the place changed and as a result, Alex get herself into some trouble there which she never expected to happen at all!

Luckily, that thing happened while the place is very near closing-time and everybody in the place had already left. As Alex was cleaning-up some stuff in a few rooms there, she found-out she got trapped for the main door of where she was would not open! Alex was unsuspecting of this definitely, and even then she thought this might be a prank, but the way she looks at it, it doesn’t seem so. Escape players, Alex needs help here to escape from the rooms, will you join her and see if you can get her out safely?

Games Room Escape is a brand new point and click rooms escape game released by Genie Fun Games.