Find The Main Passcode

(17 votes, average: 3.53 out of 5)

Allen’s task is to retrieve an important file in the computer of this recently closed-down shop. This is going to be an activity which has illegal proportions but he must do this for HQ gave this mission.

Escape players, Allen needs to get this done flawlessly and successfully, for that then he is going to need all the help that he can get. His step-by-step task is to find the passcode which is hidden there in the shop somewhere, Allen just hopes it is there and not taken by anybody or lost, for if that’s the case then he’ll have to improvise even more. Would you like to help Allen with this mission so he can escape from there quickly with what he came for?

Find The Main Passcode is a brand new point-and-click item retrieval escape game released by Fastrack Games.

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