Find Cleaning Utensils

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Adrian went to his friend’s home that day for he’ll help with preparing for a party in a couple of days time. He’ll mostly assist on the food for he works as a chef, but as he arrives at the place though he needs to help on something else there first.

Adrian found his friend trying to look for something and his helper was doing similar as well. What were they looking for? Adrian asked and they were actually searching for the cleaning materials. Okay, how hard can this task be? Well, this is taking their time already and that explains it. Okay, Adrian will just have to help here for he can’t start if his friend doesn’t brief him. Escape players, imagine you are Adrian here, will you be able to find the cleaning materials somewhere in the house?

Find Cleaning Utensils is a brand new point-and-click item retrieval indoor game released by 8B Games.

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