Fantasy Pyramid Escape (365 Escape)

(31 votes, average: 3.52 out of 5)

There was this ancient ruins in the middle of the vast desert somewhere, but that thing kept disappearing and comes out in a different location though, that makes it hard to reach and is even considered a myth. What a mysterious place that is, but as an adventurer who have tried his best to find the place, Eric was at the end of his rope and now is planning to return home stopping this nonsense altogether. But little did he know that his fading will to find the place was actually the key in getting there, and when he finally did he began to understand the secret of the place’s power and why it doesn’t want to be found.

The place has a pyramid in the middle and that is actually the earthly house of the Egyptian god Anubis! There were people in there too serving the god, Anubis is the center of this all and as he looks at him, he then received a subliminal message that he will never escape the place and become his servant! Eric didn’t want that one bit, he wanted to return home and that will of his to do so is quite the strong one. That’s why Anubis gave him a chance, if he is able to escape the place with his own power, then he is free to go. Anubis is smiling though, it’s like he knows Eric isn’t going to escape the place no matter how he tries, but Eric still has to give it a go though. Escape players, you will now be playing as Eric here, will you be able to escape the place and live to tell this tale to everyone?

Fantasy Pyramid Escape is the newest point and click ancient place escape game created by 365 Escape.

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