Christmas Suspense Gift 3

(22 votes, average: 3.27 out of 5)

Jenner was suppose to be surprising his wife with a gift for Christmas but it seems that things are not going as planned, so he decided to just take that gift from the next house where he had kept it which was a bit a ways away, well that’s his wife so even though it is in the middle of the night he still went to that said house so he can take it to her. It’s actually still a surprise for she doesn’t know he is going to get a gift, but only the plan had been changed.

Escape players, getting to that gift is not going to be easy, for the path leading there is covered with a foot of snow and the cold was 15 degrees below 0, well at least there is no buffeting winds which can really change everything. Want to join Jenner here in getting that Christmas gift for his wife so he can surprise her? Go ahead then and be ready with the items you’ll need in-order to safely traverse the cold and snow.

Christmas Suspense Gift 3 is a brand new point and click item retrieval escape game released by Mirchigames. This game is a continuation of the previous one as its sequel, and is a part of the first as the start of the series.