Genie Rat Escape

(25 votes, average: 4.48 out of 5)

The village here is being protected by a genie rat, that sounds weird for a rat being a genie is unheard of but it’s quite fascinating. He does well for the place though and for its people, that’s why the people there respect and care for him.

Heather wants to meet with the genie rat that day for she needs some answers on something, but as she arrives at his house though which was in the center of the place, she discovered that the genie rat was trapped! Upon finding-out, Heather quickly asked what happened, the genie rat has no answers as well but he was also figuring-out what just happened. Heather thought about helping-out, but she was advised to do that gently for she might get hurt if she’s reckless. Escape players, will you help Heather here then as she tries her best to rescue their genie rat?

Genie Rat Escape is the newest point-and-click rescue escape game from Games 4 King.

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