Mysterious Swamp Escape (365 escape)

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Now that Larson have finally made his way to the mysterious swamp which was a place not to be ventured into, the only way he can escape from there now is to find the stone which was kept somewhere in the place. That stone which looks both like a normal stone and a not so normal stone, is a magical thing which was the only object that will be able to help people who got lost in there escape. But because it is being guarded by some weird people there, every person who have entered the place have never made it out! Larson wanted to make a difference and also to see who are those people living there, maybe they can be reasoned with if all else fails.

Larson has a deeper reason of venturing into the place though, his brother who went there which never came-out he thought was still alive, he doesn’t have proof or anything but only a feeling. Well that’s enough to get Larson to move, but if ever he can’t find his brother there, he needs to at least map the place son he can then send a whole lot of people to join him when he returns. Escape players, Larson have already entered and because he is in a dire position now, that stone is vital for his escape. Want to join Larson here on his adventure in a place both creepy and filled with mystery?

Mysterious Swamp Escape is a brand new point and click wilderness escape game from 365 Escape.

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