Fall Farm Escape

(60 votes, average: 4.55 out of 5)

Have fun on this escape adventure from a huge farmland. Fall Farm Escape is another new point and click outdoor escape game made by Selfdefiant. Good luck!

For the children, the farmland is quite a fantasy place for their adventures and daily games to play. There is absolutely a lot of things to do in the place and most of the time, it never really gets dull especially if the gang is together. That day, Mae and her friends decided that they’ll have a race through the farm’s cornfields and it wasn’t small at all. The race’s mechanics was that they have to go through the field and the finish-line is at the farmhouse which was located in the middle of the area. It’s going to be fun and without further ado, the race begins!

Escape players, care to join in on the escape adventure here in the farm through the field and see if you can all make it out of there? You can join by placing yourself on the shoes of Mae and of course, you need to be quick in-order to win! Use your skills and logic then and if you may, you can use the sun is your guide to escape. Have fun everyone.

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