Zak Escape

(20 votes, average: 4.05 out of 5)

Although Zak is not your dog, he is still your best mate. He always wants to play and this is the reason why you both jive together. Because of this, you always go to the forest every evening to play with him. His owner’s wooden house is in the forest so you often come there. However, this evening is very unusual. There are no signs of Zak in the forest. In fact, there are no dog prints on the ground. You thought that he is just sick so you went to his house to visit him. However, that is not the situation. The thing is, Zak cannot go out of the house. His owner left the country and Zak doesn’t look so good inside. You don’t see any food for him. He looks so lonely and afraid on the same time.

With that, you have to find a way to help him escape from the house. Since you don’t have the key, you have to look around and collect items that you can use to unlock the door. Zak is visibly low on energy so you have to be quick. Zak Escape is the newest outdoor escape game from Avm Games. Good luck!