Romp House Escape

(55 votes, average: 4.55 out of 5)

There was this one house which looked very dynamic and energetic, that’s because the colors of the place are pretty diverse and the designs just looks cool. Even then, people have been renting it and then leave a few months later and as a person who just lives next-door from it, Nelson sees that and he was even mystified why for his neighbors who lived in that house never even said goodbye. A few days ago, Nelson saw another one of his neighbors left from the said house again, and that day he really decided to maybe purchase the house himself and find-out what’s going-on in there. If it’s normal then he can even expand his area to the next door but first, he needs to take a look inside.

Nelson contacted the owner of the place and at first the guy was hesitant, but Nelson had already decided so he is in the house now checking the place. The owner wouldn’t even come inside with him, seems strange and that only lifted Nelson’s suspicions a bit. Nelson looked around and he really didn’t expect to find anything, for he knows if something is going-on in there it won’t happen the first time, but he was wrong. Nelson got trapped in the house and it’s very weird for the doors is just shut and no matter how he called for help, nobody can mysteriously hear him! Nelson is now even more mystified with this, but not totally, he is calm still and can think. Escape players, how are you going to escape from such a place here if you are Nelson?

Romp House Escape is the newest point and click indoor escape game created by 8b Games and Games 2 Mad.