Rescue The Galah Cockatoo

(14 votes, average: 4.21 out of 5)

Lots of Galah cockatoos here in the wilderness where Luke lives, but there was this one though that really caught his attention, for not only that he nursed this bird back to health when he found it injured, it seems that the creature even imprinted on him! To test this, he is going to free the cockatoo from the cage where it had been and see if it’ll come back to him, but first he needs to find the key to this thing.

Escape players, come and help Luke here find the key to the cage so he can release this pink cockatoo. He kind of hopes that the bird will come back to him though.

Rescue The Galah Cockatoo is a new point-and-click outdoors animal rescue escape game developed by Games 2 Jolly.

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