Real Wooden House

(23 votes, average: 4.09 out of 5)

Harold wanted his house to be both luxurious and classy at the same time, just perfect enough to fit in a forest setting because the lot he chose was located in the wilderness. And so, Harold decided to build his house in a huge wooden-made house but not too huge that it will stick-out of the forest canopy, just enough rooms for him and his family to live in. Finally, after a few years of constructing, Harold was done and the only thing to do now is to stay for the night, just so he can see what else is needed there before he moves his family from the city. It was good that he did that, for something did happen there.

Harold got trapped in the house for a weird thing occurred with the doors! They were all locked and it’s getting him pretty confused, he asked himself if did he lock the doors? Obviously he remembered that he didn’t and if he did then he’ll be able to unlock it right? Something is definitely up here, escape players want to help Harold here with his problem in his beautiful wooden house? Look around the living-room and the other rooms then for things that you can use.

Real Wooden House is the newest point and click indoor escape game from Fun Escape Games.

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