Magical Spring Forest Adventure
The forest is now experiencing spring, it’s time to go in there and do the task Dilly have been waiting for an entire season. His task was to retrieve 45 magical butterflies there which only appears in the spring. Dilly needs to do this fast for the forest here despite of it looking good, it is still dangerous there most especially at night so he needs to be quick.
Escape players, Dilly here will now be going, want to join him in this adventure of his then and retrieve a load of not-so typical butterflies?
Magical Spring Forest Adventure is a new point-and-click forest retrieval adventure game created by Ainars. Explore the forest and search for suspicious locations to find a hidden butterfly there. Solve puzzles to find tools and eventually all 45 butterflies.
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Walkthrough video for Magical Spring Forest Adventure
Wow! Thank you, dear Author! I’m just blown away by your efficiency.
And now I will enjoy your new game!
Dear Author, I’m used to admiring your games. But I was sure that it would be difficult to surprise me with something: after all, I have admired them for a long time. But now I was sitting with my mouth open in amazement: everything seemed familiar, but everything was completely new! It really felt like a breath of fresh spring air. I can’t help but mention the magnificent scenery and the soothing birdsong. But those sounds! From time to time I giggled, hearing the animal’s chomping, the thunderous flapping of butterflies’ wings, and the absolutly human “uh-huh” of owls!
Got a lot of fun and good mood! Once again – thank you very much for this magical game!
Thank you very much for the feedback and for playing my game!
wonderful game as always! Really annoying pop up ad kept coming up over the game though, despite the browser being set to block them. Kind of ruined the vibe.
Again… Where do you get such ugly browsers? Well, install yourself a NORMAL browser with a NORMAL ad blocker! Well, why do I never get ANY ads popping up on this site?
Probably because you are so rude. You scare them off!
I don’t mind being thought badly of me. But to complain about site, on which we are all enjoying with FREE games, and demand that ads be removed is simply beyond the limit of impudence.
Cleanliness in your computer is like cleanliness in your own apartment. If you can’t put things in order yourself, invite a specialist for money.
I never demanded anything. Just commented.
Désolee,ca n’ouvre pas !
The game works even using a weak phone.
May I ask you to try different browsers, and update and clear the browser cache?
I hope it will help.
Hi! I am enjoying your games, but lately I cannot open them…. tried Chrome and Bing, none of them. Sad!
You see, here’s the problem… Everyone is aware of the BASE well-publicize browsers. And few people have heard of browsers that are not just as good as the mainstream ones, but surpass them in their capabilities. I would like to recommend some of them: Cent Browser, Vivaldi, Brave Browser, UC Browser, Slimjet. They are all built on the Chrome core, so Chrome extensions work fine for all of them. And all the bookmarks and passwords work just the same. Try the games on these browsers.
Thank you for the list of browsers.
thank you for reacting…. I have downloaded Vivaldi, but still just get a black field instead of the game… even your comment does not show below! Am I just another digibethic one?
Thank you Cynthia.
Here is direct link to the game –
I hope it will work.
thanks but no, it still does not work… as same with the two others before this one, wich I spared to the last because I liked those the most :-( ….
Oh. I already suspected that. I won’t say for sure, but I’m afraid the problem is not with you personally. The world is changing, as clichéd as it sounds. That’s why I suspect, again, that the whole problem is security. The way I see it, games will work fine if you open them through a proxy. The easiest way to check this is to install some sort of proxy extension to Chrome. Or, say, a VPN like Browsec extension.
In addition to what was said earlier about proxy extensions that POSSIBLY (I can’t guarantee every case, please understand!) will help open previously unopened games (as well as websites). Try Chrome extension “FastProxy”, suitable for any browsers based on Chrome (except Opera browser). By the way! Try Opera itself with its ability to compress traffic – perhaps this browser will help you. The fact is that with this mode enabled, traffic is redirected through the Opera website, and this is actually a proxy server version. There is also a great “FriGate3” proxy extension that allows you to fine-tune how sites open, but it was deliberately defamed and for this reason thrown out of the Chrome extensions online store. Therefore, you can install it, but … it will require some knowledge and “developer mode”. If someone still dares, write – I’ll put it on a file sharing service with instructions on how to do it.
I ‘ll keep in touch but don’t dare to install….. it says it will be able to see and eventually change my personal stuff, says it is safe but I ‘m not sure… Perhaps when I have got my new laptop- (soon) then I’ll try it on this one.
Will this be posted on the Gongtats site? Ainars games don’t load for me here.
Sorry … Some do some don’t
The games on the Gongtats site are coming from the same hosting.
I am not sure if that can solve the problem, but I will dedicate time to add all 3 latest games there.
Here is a direct link to the game, I hope that game will work –
Thanks … That didn’t work either. So weird
May I ask if games will load at this link?
The first one (room 08) Doesn’t but the others do
Have played game to the end, no problems thank you
Once again, it was a pleasure to go through the game and only just noticed. Dear Author, what do the white water lilies on the bottom right of the birch grove screen give? They are very beautiful, but I just did not understand – what is their role?
That was my mistake.
I have fixed it.
And one more wish for the future, dear Author. Note that the bees key (both parts) are smaller than other keys, such as butterflies. But butterflies are much easier to “identify” than bees – color is enough. In the case of bees, the details are smaller and not only the color, but also the position of the insect matters. That’s why I wish such small details would be larger.
Thank you for your thoughts, you are completely right.
That will be completely changed in future versions.
It wasn’t a problem for me at all.
I envy your visual acuity.
The snail is pretty nasty!! Couldnt finish the game Gross!!
Are you kidding me right now?
It was a picture of a snail.
This is what makes their games so much better.
i cannot play your recently released games.. i am very disappointed.
May I ask You to take a look and let me know if the game will work using the links below?
1)Settings 1 –
2)Settings 2 –
3)Settings 3 –
4)Settings 4 –
For me, the game is working using any of those links.
Thank you in advance!
Hi!! After reading all the comments I have to consider myself lucky. Everything worked fine in Firefox and on this site Escapefan. No problems at all!
I played this great game the first day it was posted. From start to finish, just fun.
Nice pictures, cute animals, everything is cool. I easily placed the bees in the correct position on the beautiful white flowers and didn’t mind when I didn’t get the last butterfly I needed. I just kept looking and after some time of more fun and observation in the details of the beautiful pictures, I found it and finished my game very glad.
Thank you mr Escaper Joe!
I second everything you said, Juju!!
I love their games and what takes them to another level is the beautiful details, animals, flowers, etc. I had no issue with the bees either.
Dear Author, I’m not sure if my information will help you. It’s still talk about possible reasons why the same game is launched for some players, while others do not.
Here’s what I found. I have two Windows installed on my computer: 7 and 10. Usually G4K games do not start under 7 for me – the usual Stickman comes out. And this is regardless of the browser version. But it turned out that under 10 these games are launched, although the browser is OLD, still supporting Flash!
It turns out that the operating system is another possible reason for the stubbornness of games. And given that the kernels version of Windows 10 differ, often CARDINALLY (that is, in fact, this is NOT the same system at all), the picture is not too cheerful. If indeed my suspicions have a real basis, then it will be difficult to please EVERYONE, to put it mildly…
Thank you very much for this useful information.
I did not know that the Windows version mattered.
You know I am always loving your games, but the withdrawal in between games is killing me!
Thank you, Michelle!
I am optimizing the development process.
The next game will be completed soon.
Love Ainars. Thank you so much for a really fun game.
mal wieder ganz toll gemacht, danke schön!
recently released three games are not opening.. i want to play these games. why it is not
opening for me only. pl tell me and what i should do.
Please read the comments on this page first. Many of them describe precisely the issue you have raised. You may find the answer for yourself in them.
Thank you yet again Ainars! Another beautiful game. I love these.
Hola porque no habren los juegos de escape la pantalla se pone negra
God, what a beauty!!!