Help To The Pony
This magical land is the home of the only magical pony, that’s why people who knows about it protects this forest in any way they can. As one of the protectors, Donny has more work to do there for people from the outside world are starting to know about this pony, and they are trying to catch it! Donny and his people can only do so much and they lost others because of that cause, and that day they might lose the pony too, for something happened to it!
Donny luckily found the pony and it is trapped in this sophisticated-looking trap! This could be the work of those outsiders, they must be stopped, but for now Donny will focus in freeing this pony here for that is most important. Escape players, Donny will be needing some help here, for he is not sure how this trap works and how to free the pony. Will you help him?
Help To The Pony is another new point-and-click animal rescue escape game made by Big Escape Games.
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Walkthrough video for Help To The Pony