Find My Bicycle (Avm Games)

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When you were little, your father promised you a bicycle for your 10th birthday. You couldn’t wait to ride around the neighborhood. However, your neighborhood was full of cars. It was hard for you to learn when you had to stop every time to avoid cars. Your father noticed this and suggested that you ride your bicycle in the forest. You were too young to be there alone. So your father usually accompanied you. You would go there riding your bikes. You’d stop at the edge of the forest to talk about random things and even eat some snacks. Then after a couple of minutes, you would pedal back home. After a few years, your father stopped going with you. You still enjoyed your trips to the forest. And you would still sit at the same spot. You left your bikes a few meters away from you.

No one dared to steal your bikes ever since you started coming here. However, one day stood out from the rest. You were ready to be on your way home. But your bike vanished from its parking space. You looked around some  more hoping it was just parked somewhere else. Yet you needed to do more than that. Play Find My Bicycle (Avm Games) room escape game by Avm Games.