Find Caveman Basket

(16 votes, average: 4.38 out of 5)

We are now in prehistoric times in a cave where a caveman is peacefully living. This prehistoric man is quite the efficient one, for the produce he gathers from the forest he was able to store to consume in the future. That day it was a rainy one and the man would just like to stay in the tunnels of his cave and just munch on his gathered goods. But there was a problem though, for he forgot which place he hid his food in the various rooms of the cave!

The man is now scratching his head for he attempted to search for it but he really couldn’t find his hidden provisions. He can’t remember a thing also and he is getting a little frustrated. Escape players, how about helping this guy here find his food somewhere in the cave? Agree and it is a help for him coming from tens of thousands of years from the future.

Find Caveman Basket is the newest point-and-click item retrieval cave game created by WoW Escape.

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