Escape From Blue Jungle

(41 votes, average: 3.71 out of 5)

The blue jungle’ is very old, well the stories about it are though and it can be traced back in ages when the Roman empire is at its highest. The stories about the said wilderness though are a mix of both good and worst! Good for people have received different things from the place before, and worst for the area can take a life if it decides to do so. Well it only does that to people who are foolish and have no respect to nature. One day, finally Jimmy has enough funds and time to visit the place, for his grandmother had recommended it to him before and it’s a must place to visit, so he did.

Jimmy is now in the place and his grandmother wasn’t wrong about it. It was already night but the wilderness was still glowing blue because of the weird luminous vegetation which is making the entire place shine. Jimmy was definitely in awe on what he is seeing, but unfortunately though something bad happened and it was so sudden that he was unsuspecting of it! Escape players, come and play as Jimmy here in the blue jungle. See what happened and try if you can solve the problem.

Escape From Blue Jungle is a brand new point and click strange wilderness escape game released by Top 10 New Games.