Cursed Statue Man Escape
Garret have been looking for his uncle for a while on Easter island for this is the last place he was seen. How can he get lost in a small island with no trees or any apparent hiding place anyways? All of that was slightly answered when Garret saw a stone which was shaped exactly as his uncle!
Garret saw this and a ton of questions came popping in his mind, but one really stood-out though, and that is did his uncle turn into stone? It’s not possible, but that is a possibility even though that is ridiculous. Garret will try to understand what happened here, so he needs to try and find more clues that can answer what really happened, for there must be a logical explanation about this. Either way, help Garret on this for this might be the last chance he can save his uncle.
Cursed Statue Man Escape is a brand new point-and-click outdoors rescue escape game from Big Escape Games.
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