Caged Pig Rescue

(20 votes, average: 4.55 out of 5)

Stevenson received a gift from his uncle that day in his farm, and it’s something that he really wanted. Stevenson received a pig which was delivered in a crate box. He really wanted this, now he can begin his hands-on farming on pigs with this. But he will need to find the key to this thing which his uncle said was attached to the crate somewhere.

Stevenson tried to find the key for 30 minutes but he couldn’t. Guess he’ll just have to use something that he has, but he needs to find it too. Escape players, come and help Stevenson here find anything that can release his pig so he can welcome it to its new home.

Caged Pig Rescue is the newest point-and-click animal escape game created by Games 2 Live.

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