Bean Adventure – Find The Bean Toy
Felix and his children here needs to find this human-sized bean toy all over their house. This thing even though it is massive, it seems to be really hidden well, but who did it? Felix and the kids checked the rooms one by one and there is only one that was left unchecked, and this room was currently locked.
That’s very weird, for nobody locked this room and all people that are in the house are all beside Felix at the moment. Something is going-on here and Felix can feel it, but as the father of the house he needs to face this. Escape players, would you like to help Felix here find the key to this room and finally find that bean toy? Hopefully it’s going to be as easy as that.
Bean Adventure – Find The Bean Toy is a brand new point-and-click item retrieval indoor game released by 8B Games.
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Walkthrough video for Bean Adventure – Find The Bean Toy