Advance Happy Thanksgiving Day 2023
Beau and his friends are now happily celebrating thanksgiving at the rooftop of their apartment and everyone is set now to watch the fireworks. But Beau however is trying to fix a problem there and the main thing about that was he is trying to look for the key that would open a receptacle where their food is being kept.
Beau purposely placed their food in a safety receptacle for there is someone or something that is stealing food here in this complex. Now all of the drinks are on the table and what’s missing now was the food. Escape players, come help Beau here find the key so he can finally get their thanksgiving food and bring it to the party.
Advance Happy Thanksgiving Day 2023 is another new point-and-click indoor retrieval game made by Games 2 Jolly.
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Walkthrough video for Advance Happy Thanksgiving Day 2023