Halloween Candy Forest Escape

(36 votes, average: 4.39 out of 5)

There was this contest and it’s a hunt for the candies hidden everywhere in the neighborhood for Halloween! People have been trick-or-treating as an annual happening so in the present year, they decided to do something to add to the fun and that is to hunt for some expensive candies hidden in the neighborhood! As one of the persons who joined in on the fun, Romeo decided to go off the typical path for the organizers said to think outside of the box in-order to find the ultimate prize, he went to the forest nearby for he strongly thinks that outside of the box thing is outside of the neighborhood entirely! Guess he got the wrong idea about it.

Romeo went into the forest and he began his search there, but sadly though he got lost in the place and the worst part about it is that the spooks of the forest started appearing! He immediately remembered the long forgotten stories of the place that there are scary things in the forest near their neighborhood, those are just stories for him when he heard it years ago, but now he is really experiencing it! Romeo needs to get back to the neighborhood for surely there is no candy where he is at. Will you be able to help Romeo escape players with this mistake he made?

Halloween Candy Forest Escape is a brand new point and click scary wilderness escape game released by WoW Escape.

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