Escape From The Rocket

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Living in the forest has it’s own new things everyday but for someone who was born and raised there, the new things slowly becomes scarce. That certain someone was Tamo and he lives by hunting and getting resources from the forest. One day however, Tamo found a very new thing and for once in his life he had never seen such before!

Tamo found metal pieces which was very weird for there were never such in the jungle before, so he followed the pieces until it led him to a man scrambling to form the pieces! They saw each other and both got into a fight state, they were cautious with each other but luckily, their languages doesn’t really differ and that’s why they came to an understanding. The man which was obviously smart and technologically advanced than Tamo seems to be making a rocket or something. He doesn’t have any idea why but guess he wanted to go home using the contraption? Tamo had only a few things to do that day so he decided to help him. Escape players, want to help a stranger in the forest here with Tamo making something quite impossible especially in such a place?

Escape From The Rocket is another new point and click item retrieval escape game made by 8b Games and Games 2 Mad.

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