Poult Turkey Fantasy Escape

(35 votes, average: 3.71 out of 5)

It was a warm summer night. You were facing the computer with a blank screen waiting for inspiration to come. Then a dragonfly landed on the table. You saw it earlier trying to escape. But you must have lost sight of it until it rested on the table. You wanted to let it rest there until it regained its energy. However, your hand accidentally went too close to it that it flew away. You felt bad that its rest was cut short. So you keep an eye on whenever it flew. You saw it resting on the ceiling so you continued working on your computer. Then you remembered the dragonfly once more. When you looked up, a spider’s web caught it. You couldn’t just ignore it. So you gently took it out of the web and placed it near the window.

When you turned to look back at your computer, the scenery changed. You were in a fantasy forest where a leaf fell on your palm. It said that you were the worthy one for the mission to save the poult turkey. You wondered what it meant but you got to work immediately. Play Poult Turkey Fantasy Escape outdoor escape game by WoW Escape.